Thursday, August 22, 2019

OOTN: Night Out with Friends in Manhattan

Hey everyone! Summer is, unfortunately, wrapping up for me. I go back to college on Sunday (isn't that so crazy!) to start my sophomore year. I am very excited, but also nervous about the new school year. With going back to school, comes lots of goodbyes. Last night, I went out for dinner with my friends; Shannan, Aubrey, and Alexa for a meal at 'Serafina Meatpacking' before we all go back to school. 

My blouse has been seen before on the when I wore it to Easter, but I love it too much to not wear.
The blouse is from Cue Boutique.
The skirt is from Forever 21 (I just bought it for $15!)
I am wearing sparkly new Adidas Superstars with the outfit to keep it casual.

I told my friends to get in for the Outfit of the Night, in the future I'll make some videos with them for what they're wearing! Shannan and Aubrey have been featured in my latest video: spilling the TEA on our FRESHMAN YEAR| providence college, Boston University, Loyola Maryland
Part 2 of our Q&A will come out soon!

I'm not sure where Shannan's outfit is from, but three out of four of us all opted for sneakers to wear for our dinner.

Chelsea/Meatpacking is such a nice area to take pictures. I am trying to do more outfit of the days, so I loved having the background of the city and the company. 

I'll have so many more videos and blog posts coming out soon!

Christina Madeleine



  1. The outfits that you, Shannan, Aubrey and Alexa were wearing on your night out in Manhattan all look pretty, attractive, comfortable and fashionable! I love the looks of all four outfits. Your very feminine sheer white button up Cue Boutique blouse looks fabulous styled with the Forever 21 mini-skirt (great buy!). It's wonderful that you have such intelligent, attractive, fashionable, fun-loving friends to share experiences with! The photos above are great! I also enjoyed watching your video titled '''Spilling the TEA on our FRESHMAN YEAR | Providence College, Boston University, Loyola Maryland | Christine Madeleine - YouTube"!!! :D

  2. All four of you look great! What cute outfits you've all got on. I'm so jealous of you, being from New York and having the whole city to explore! What a cool life to have haha!
    Beth x Adventure & Anxiety

  3. I love your cute blouse! I bet it would love fab in black too xx

  4. All of you have such cute outfits! All for your sophmore year! I believe I'm going into sophmore year as well (but in the UK we just call it second year of university, haha). It's so wild how time at college/university goes by so quickly!



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